Posted on 2023-10-302023-10-31Categories Announcement, WYKPSA

22nd Wah Yan League Football Tournament

Dear Wahyanites, Enrolment period for the new season of Wah Yan League Football Tournament is from 30th October, 2023 to 10th November, 2023. Team captains’ meeting will be held on 11th November 2023 (Saturday) at 2:00pm in Wah Yan College, Kowloon. Room number will be sent to participating teams by separate email. Attached please find (i) the enrollment form, (ii) the match form, (iii) the Rules and Regulations, (iv) the note of important changes, and (v) the waiver and declaration. … Continue reading “22nd Wah Yan League Football Tournament”

Posted on 2023-10-152023-10-15Categories Announcement, WYKPSA

《Brotherhood Scheme – The Speakers Series》講座系列

九龍華仁書院舊生會呈獻《Brotherhood Scheme – The Speakers Series》講座系列第一炮 – 著名唱片監製 Edward Chan! 93屆的Edward將於11月18日回到學校禮堂,分享他在音樂路上的追夢之旅,以及親子點滴。歡迎舊生及親友,及在校學生參加。費用全免,欲免向隅,請即報名。 日期:2023年11月18日(星期六) 時間:下午2:15 地點:九龍華仁書院禮堂 報名連結:

Posted on 2023-09-282023-10-15Categories Announcement

Calligraphy workshops by Mr Chiu Hai Kaw

Dear Wahyanites, Please find the details of the calligraphy workshops tutored by Mr Chiu Hai Kaw (趙起蛟老師) as follow: Date (Saturdays): 7 October 2023 21 October 2023 4 November 2023 18 November 2023 2 December 2023 16 December 2023 6 January 2024 Time : 9am-11am Venue: Art Room, WYK (Rm 124 of Law Ting Bong Building) Registration: All are welcome ! You may also bring your family members to join.

Posted on 2023-09-272023-09-27Categories Announcement, Newsletter

Extraordinary General Meeting – 12 October 2023

Dear Wahyanites, As resolved by the executive committee of the Association on 14 September 2023, an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be held on 12 October 2023 (Thursday) and the details are as follows: Date: 12 October 2023 (Thursday) Time: 6:30 pm Venue: Student Activity Centre, Wah Yan College, Kowloon Address: 56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon 九龍窩打老道56號 According to the Article 30, 31& 32 of Articles of Association of WYKPSA, every member shall be entitled to vote by person or by … Continue reading “Extraordinary General Meeting – 12 October 2023”

Posted on 2023-09-252023-09-25Categories Announcement, Newsletter


Our beloved Fr. John Russell, S.J. died peacefully on 22nd September 2023. Fr Russel was the Rector at WYK from 1969 to 1972. The Funeral Mass will be held on Saturday, 7th October 2023 at 10 a.m. in the St. Ignatius Chapel, Wah Yan College, Kowloon, followed by burial in Catholic Cemetery, Happy Valley. No flowers please. Please pray for him and his family. Thank you.

Posted on 2023-09-212023-10-15Categories Announcement, WYKPSA


Dear all, please see the message below from the WYK Karate Club: 華仁空手道會自一九八七年成立,到現時已有三十多年的歷史。由張其樂(WYK’88) 創立,希望讓學員透過適當的訓練,強健體格和磨練堅毅意志,並培養崇高的武術精神。本會逢星期六在學校地下走廊進行練習,歡迎華仁同學或舊生參加,費用全免。我們亦有安排親子空手道班,家長亦可陪同兒子一起試堂參與。 希望大家踴躍支持。 訓練內容:訓練體能、空手道套路、搏擊實戰技巧等練習時間:星期六下午二時三十分至四時三十分練習地點:地下走廊凹位 教練:張其樂(WYK’88) 黑帶五段馬嘉徽(WYK’94) 黑帶二段葉健鵬(WYK’09) 黑帶一段 如有興趣參加,請聯絡道場教練張其樂 (Tel: 90555567)。

Posted on 2023-09-212023-09-21Categories Announcement, Newsletter


日期:9月24日(星期日)時間:下午2時至5時地點:學校網球場 費用全免(請自備球拍、網球),歡迎舊生帶同家人朋友回校使用網球場 報名請填妥以下表格: