The Brotherhood of Wah Yan
For many years the Wah Yan Past Students’ Association comprised the alumni of both Wah Yans. However, the occasions when all could meet were too infrequent for the members to get to know one another. Therefore, we decided to form our own association. On 24th April, 1968, the Inaugural Meeting was held in the school hall and the proposed Constitution was adopted. Mr. Bernard Wong Kong Sum was elected the first Chairman of the Wah Yan College, Kowloon Past Students’ Association. (WYKPSA).
WYKPSA is among one of the oldest and most prestigious alumni assoications in Hong Kong. Its objectives are to promote friendship and co-operation among our past students and to foster a closer relationship between the past students, the college itself and the existing students. It also organizes charitable works for the interest of the college.
56 Waterloo Road, Kowloon, HKSAR
Tel: (852) 2384 1038
Fax: (852) 2770 5095
[email protected]
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