Blind Wine Tasting Dinner Annual General Meeting 協恩華仁混音合唱團前往愛爾蘭參加「科克國際音樂節」 耶穌會教育 Circular (Issue 52)
WYKPSA Circular 52
Blind Wine Tasting Dinner Annual General Meeting 協恩華仁混音合唱團前往愛爾蘭參加「科克國際音樂節」 耶穌會教育 Circular (Issue 52)
Blind Wine Tasting Dinner Annual General Meeting 協恩華仁混音合唱團前往愛爾蘭參加「科克國際音樂節」 耶穌會教育 Circular (Issue 52)
Blind Wine Tasting Dinner Annual General Meeting 協恩華仁混音合唱團前往愛爾蘭參加「科克國際音樂節」 耶穌會教育 Circular (Issue 52)
Hiking Trip to Pak Tam Chung Establishment of “喜樂人生” 同學會 Third Gathering of Football Interest Group 耶穌會教育 華仁精神 Circular (Issue 51)
Hiking Trip to Pak Tam Chung Establishment of “喜樂人生” 同學會 Third Gathering of Football Interest Group 耶穌會教育 華仁精神 Circular (Issue 51)
Establishment of Hiking Interest Group – Wah Yan Trekkers 耶穌會教育 Lingua Franca – The Annual Concert of WYK Consultation Regarding the Eligibility Requirements of Our Membership Circular (Issue 50)
Establishment of Hiking Interest Group – Wah Yan Trekkers 耶穌會教育 Lingua Franca – The Annual Concert of WYK Consultation Regarding the Eligibility Requirements of Our Membership Circular (Issue 50)
Consultation regarding the eligibility requirements of our membership For many years, the School Management Committee has an alumni manager (校友校董). Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association Limited (“WYKPSA”) was responsible for organizing the election of alumni manager bi-annually. Our School will establish the Incorporated Management Committee (法團校董會) (“IMC”) in accordance with the requirements of the Education Ordinance (Chapter 279 of the Laws of Hong Kong). Relevant provisions of the Education Ordinance According to the Education Ordinance: (a) the IMC … Continue reading “Consultation Regarding the Eligibility Requirements of Our Membership”
Consultation regarding the eligibility requirements of our membership For many years, the School Management Committee has an alumni manager (校友校董). Wah Yan College Kowloon Past Students’ Association Limited (“WYKPSA”) was responsible for organizing the election of alumni manager bi-annually. Our School will establish the Incorporated Management Committee (法團校董會) (“IMC”) in accordance with the requirements of the Education Ordinance (Chapter 279 of the Laws of Hong Kong). Relevant provisions of the Education Ordinance According to the Education Ordinance: (a) the IMC … Continue reading “Consultation Regarding the Eligibility Requirements of Our Membership”
Tour to Ruins in Sai Kung with Historical Significance Student Members’ Committee Internship Programme 耶穌會教育 Establishment of Photography Interest Group Workshop on Job Interviewing Skills and CV Preparation Circular (Issue 49)
Tour to Ruins in Sai Kung with Historical Significance Student Members’ Committee Internship Programme 耶穌會教育 Establishment of Photography Interest Group Workshop on Job Interviewing Skills and CV Preparation Circular (Issue 49)